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      Get in touch today for a

      Woodworm Treatment In Leicestershire

      Thu 13th
      Guaranteed eradication!
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      The term woodworm refers to various different species of wood boring insects. These insects or beetles lay their larvae in the wood. The larvae then feed on the wood, weakening the structure, which can lead to significant structural and cosmetic damage.

      Species of Woodworm

      Furniture Beetle
      This common species of woodworm is often found in homes and buildings across the country and feeds on hardwoods and softwoods.

      Deathwatch Beetle
      A well-known species of woodworm, the deathwatch beetle makes a ticking noise when mating, which is where it gets the name. It’s destroyed numerous building structures over the decades and can be difficult to eradicate.

      Longhorn Beetle
      This beetle is a bigger problem in the south east than the rest of the UK and is attracted to soft woods. Roof timbers are an ideal nesting ground for the longhorn beetle and in warm weather it flies, causing an infestation to spread to neighbouring properties.

      Powderpost Beetle
      A hardwood eater, this species – if left – will completely destroy timber. If you find crumbled or broken timber, it may have been to the hands of the powderpost beetle.

      Woodworm Infestation

      • Wood boring insects are commonly found outside, where they seldom cause a problem
      • If they enter your home it could soon become infested
      • These insects infest floor boards, wooden beams, and any wooden furniture

      For leading woodworm control services in Leicestershire, by qualified RSPH technicians, call JG Pest Control now, on 0116 464 9229

      Treatment Types for Woodworm

      Woodworm Removal

      Specialist woodworm removal requires expert help. JG Pest Control offers various methods of woodworm treatment in Leicestershire and nearby areas.

      We will survey an infestation before advising on the best option for removal. Treatment options include a chemical application, timber treatment or a specialist controlled heat treatment. All of our methods are guaranteed and bespoke to each individual circumstance.

      Signs of Woodworm

      The most common sign is the pinholes their larvae leave in wood. When larvae feed, they often leave piles of wood dust.

      If you have a significant woodworm problem, the wood will become weak and crumble.


      Remove Woodworm From Home or Business,
      0116 464 9229

      How to Treat Woodworm

      Once an infestation has occurred, there isn’t an effective do-it-yourself method of woodworm eradication.

      There are various shop-bought products that, if used correctly, can help control a woodworm problem; however, it is always recommended you speak to a professional as a survey is often required to determine the extent of a woodworm problem.

      For more advice please call JG Pest Control.

      What to do next

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